Sunday, November 20, 2011

I read this book a while ago called The Invintion Of Hugo Cabret, and i was hopeing for years that they would come out with a movie of the book. I finally lost hope and forgot about it untill i saw a comercial for Hugo and he said his name was Hugo Cabret, so i thought... It must be the movie....... I was soooo exited until i found out that i may or may not get to see the first showing because the first showing comes out on thanksgiving night. I told my uncle this story and i also mentioned that my grandmother had bought me the book, he had an idea that because she bought me the  book she should finish it off by tacking me to see it on thanksgiving night because my mother cannot because of the dinner at our house...... I hope that when i ask her she will agree with my uncle???:p

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Mom And I In The Bathroom:p

Me and my mom in the bathroom at America's Got Freaks!!! lol aka america's got talent, but if you've read my other post's you can see that not all of america has talent. haha well while my mother and me waited for five hours we had a little bonding time.... it was actually kind of fun.... i think she likes this picture though cause.... it's her fb pro pic :p

Monday, November 14, 2011

Communicators For Christ

So i just got back from this class i wen't to called communicators for christ. I don't really like going but i have to for a extra class because my mom thinks i need speech classes. When i got there their were some people doing a hello my name is speech. You can tell what the speech is about by the title. After that we had to pick something out of a bag and do a speech on that. I had a catapolt......... My speech was... um........ creative...ish..... it didn't really turn out well that's all i have to say. Now when i get home i eat homemade leftover Chile...mhmmmmm.


I wen't to the America's Got Talent last weekend to audition. My talent is singing,
so i sang in my audition, but while i was there, i noticed some very interesting people. I saw men in unitards, which my mom thinks should now be illegal, i saw freaky people with scars, i saw old Asian lady's dressed like cow girls, i saw normal people but very few! I also saw a man walking around asking people what they were auditioning for and asking them to show him their talent, However, the most interasting thing i saw was a man that looked just like the president. They announced it on the speaker that he was abomah. Everyone started screaming and running towards him until they realized that it wasen't him. They gave him a poddium and he started speaking into a micraphone saying incuriging speaches. He started saying "can we win America's Got Talent... YES WE CAN!!!" and the whole crowd of people that i was amongesed started shouting "yes wwe can, yes we can". i thought it was pretty creative, but after a while. After waiting for five long hours for my 90 second audition i relized something..... instead of America's Got Talent, it should really be called... AMERICA'S GOT FREAKS!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Just Got a Blog!!!!!

Hello my name is Eliza-Jane Grace, and i just got a new blog:) If anyone knows ways for me to get followers and knows how to follow others, please contact me. My e-mail is on my blog.